2022 Summer Pleasures Juried Exhibition
June 28 to August 4, 2022
Enjoy 67 Original Artworks by 27 FCA Toronto Artists
Welcome to FCA Toronto’s Summer Pleasures Juried Exhibition of 2022, hosted by the Etobicoke Civic Centre Art Gallery in Etobicoke.
About This Exhibition
Entry to this online exhibition was open to all FCA Toronto artists with Active or Signature status with the national Federation of Canadian Artists. (FCA). Each artist was allowed to enter up to five artworks for consideration, but only a maximum of three paintings per artist could be accepted into the show. The FCA was responsible for the submission and jurying process for FCA Toronto.
Our jury consisted of three signature status FCA artists: Lesley White, SFCA; Dominique Walker, SFCA, and Jing Jia, AFCA.
All of the works presented in the exhibition are available for sale. If you are interested in purchasing artwork or would like to know more about a particular piece, please let contact us.
Etobicoke Civic Centre Art Gallery
FCA Toronto Participants
Below is a list of participating FCA Toronto artists. You can find a detailed listing of these artists at the bottom of this page with links to their FCA Toronto profiles.
- Dina Belaia, Toronto
- Beth Bouffard SFCA, Whitefish Falls
- Vicki Brophey, Puslinch
- Nancy Calder, Stratford
- Wendy Carmichael Bauld AFCA, Burlington
- Françoise Cockburn, Toronto
- Cathy Cullis, Niagara-On-The-Lake
- Rick Cullis, Niagara-On-The-Lake
- Carolyn Daniels, Mississauga
- Sheila Davis SFCA, Beaverton
- Nicole Dolson, Burlington
- Margaret Horvat, Burlington
- Roslyn Levin, Shelburne
- Carol Loeb, Yarker
- Antje Martens-Oberwelland, Ripley
- Nola McConnan, Toronto
- Lynda Moffatt, Chatham
- Sandra Murphy, Aurora
- Robin Nyikos, Collingwood
- Clarence Porter, Hamilton
- Alan Douglas Ray, AFCA, Toronto
- Jenny Reid, East York
- Deri Chilton Russell, Elmwood
- Louise Scott-Bushell, Mississauga
- Jaan Teng, Keene
- Irina Valentin, Milgrove
- Steve Wilson, Niagara Falls