Current Exhibition
Our next exhibition, “Harvest Times”, opens soon at the Beaux Arts Gallery in Brampton: October 20th.

Links to Past Exhibitions
- Our second live exhibition of 2022 was Summer Pleasures, hosted at the Etobicoke Civic Center Art Gallery from June 28 to August 4, 2022.
- Our second-ever live exhibition, 2022 Spring Thaw, was hosted again at the Art of Emotions gallery in Toronto, from March 17 to April 16, 2022.
- Our first live exhibition, the Show-Up Show, was hosted at the new Art of Emotions gallery in Toronto, September 16-30, 2021.
- Our first exhibition of 2021, Spring Forward, closed on May 31st but you can still view it on our Past Exhibitions page.
- Our first annual Open National Juried Exhibition closed on December 31st, 2020. You can view it on our Past Exhibitions page.
- Our inaugural exhibition, Summer Palette 2020, closed on September 7th but it is still available for viewing online.